Important Guidelines We Are Following:
- Hours Of Care: 6:30 AM To 11:30 PM.
- Concern Mom Is operating five (5) days out of the week Monday to Friday.
- The weekend session Saturday and Sunday is open.
- 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Children to be cared must:
- Submit a completed Enrollment Application
- Show Updated Immunization and Universal Health Forms
- Provide the following: Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, Medical Card, Parent State ID with picture, Subsidy Program Acceptance Letter and/or Proof of Income.
The Parent upon Enrollment Engagement must understand Concern Mom’s Distinctive
- Part Time equals 6 to 8 hours, three days Minimum.
- Full Time equals 6 to 8 hours, four to five days a week
- Parents must be mindful that once the child is enrolled, the slot is reserved for the child.
- Tuition is expected whether the child is in attendance after One Week.
- One Month’s Notice is required before termination of the contract.
- Concern Mom reserved the right to pursue legal action to collect a debt. It is recommended that parents avoid a derogatory credit record by falling in line with Concern Mom’s practical regulations.
Concern Mom is practicing safe social distancing and maintaining facilities clean.
Children to be cared must:
- Present no signs of: Fever, Coughing, Shortness of Breath (We are actively monitoring to protect children)
Parents entering Concern Mom facilities must:
- Wear a mask if sick and/or coughing.
- Apply hand sanitizer to get to the second gate.
- Wash their hands upon entering the reception area.
- Observe our Social Distancing Guidelines: Limited two (2) parents at a time.